Last updated: 2021-10-22

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: Barley1kGBS_Proj/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    analysis/GenomeEnvAssociation_cache/
    Ignored:    analysis/GenomicVarPartitioning_cache/
    Ignored:    analysis/PreprocessEnvData_cache/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/not_show/
    Untracked:  code/Rfunctions.R
    Untracked:  code/rename_IDs_and_env.R
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-09-simple_rda_single_env_anova_5000perm.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-10-partial_rda_ALStructure_K4_ancestry_coeff_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS_12envs_27147SNPs_maf0.05.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-10-partial_rda_conditioning_ancestry_coeff_191B1K+53KS_single_env_anova_5000perm.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-10-simple_rda_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS_12envs_27147SNPs_maf0.05.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-10-simple_rda_anova_5000perm_bymargin_191B1K+53KS_12envs_27147SNPs_maf0.05.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-11-partial_rda_ALStructure_K4_ancestry_coeff_anova_5000perm_bymargin_191B1K+53KS_12envs_27147SNPs_maf0.05.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-12-simple_rda_ancescoeff_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS_271472SNPs_maf0.05.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2020-04-13-simple_rda_ancescoeff_vs_env_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2021-05-30-partial_rda_ancescoeff_vs_env_conditioning_fwselMEM_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2021-05-30-partial_rda_fwselMEM_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS_12envs_27147SNPs_maf0.05.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2021-05-30-simple_rda_ancescoeff_vs_fwselMEM_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS.RDS
    Untracked:  data/2021-05-30-simple_rda_fwselMEM_anova_5000perm_191B1K+53KS_no_envs_27147SNPs_maf0.05.RDS
    Untracked:  data/Ancestry_coeff_244accessions_ALStructure_K4.RDS
    Untracked:  data/Env_data_244accessions_12Env_variables.tsv
    Untracked:  data/Full_MEM_191B1K+53KS.tsv
    Untracked:  data/GBS_244accessions_27147SNP_Beagle5Imp.vcf.gz
    Untracked:  data/GBS_244accessions_LDpruned_19601SNP.vcf.gz
    Untracked:  data/ISR_SRTM_GeoElevation.tif
    Untracked:  data/RawEnv_244accessions.tsv
    Untracked:  data/dbMEM_forward_selection_SNPvsFullMEM.RDS
    Untracked:  data/geo_coordinates_244accessions.tsv

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   .Rprofile
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    Modified:   .gitignore
    Modified:   Barley1kGBS_Proj.Rproj
    Modified:   _workflowr.yml
    Modified:   analysis/_site.yml
    Modified:   code/
    Modified:   data/
    Modified:   output/

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/PreprocessEnvData.Rmd) and HTML (docs/PreprocessEnvData.html) files. If you've configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 7c6b41a Che-Wei Chang 2021-10-22 wflow_publish(list.files("./analysis", pattern = "*.Rmd", full.names = T))


This file shows how the raw environmental data processed and generating the synthetic environmental variables. The raw environmental data was extracted from tif files in advance according to the coordinates of collection sites by using the raster package. The tif files are available in the databases as described in our publication. The coordinate data is available in the supplementary files of our publication or ./data/geo_coordinates_244accessions.tsv.

Load raw environmental data

rm(list = ls())
env <- read.table("./data/RawEnv_244accessions.tsv" , header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)

Get data of growing seasons

Because the growing season of wild barley in the Southern Levant is roughly between October and April of the next year, we select the climate data for this time interval. Bioclimatic variables are further calculated accordingly.

## generate bioclimatic variables using growing season data
## extract data of growing season (October ~ April)
gs.prec <- env[,grep(colnames(env), pattern = "prec_[01][01234]")]
gs.tavg <- env[,grep(colnames(env), pattern = "tavg_[01][01234]")]
gs.tmax <- env[,grep(colnames(env), pattern = "tmax_[01][01234]")]
gs.tmin <- env[,grep(colnames(env), pattern = "tmin_[01][01234]")]
gs.srad <- env[,grep(colnames(env), pattern = "srad_[01][01234]")]

## generate 'bioclimatic' variables
gsmt <- apply(gs.tavg,1,mean) # mean temperature of growing season
gstsd <- apply(gs.tavg,1,sd) # standard deviation of monthly mean temperature of growing season
gstmax <- apply(gs.tmax,1, max) # maximal temperature of growing season
gstmin <- apply(gs.tmin,1, min) # minimal temperature of growing season
gsmdr <- apply(gs.tmax - gs.tmin,1,mean) #  mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max temp - min temp))
gsiso <- gsmdr/(gstmax - gstmin) # isothermality of growing season

gsprec <-apply(gs.prec,1,sum) # total precipitation of growing season
gscvprec <- apply(gs.prec,1, function(x){100*(sd(x)/mean(x))}) # coefficient of variation of precipitation of off season
gsmsrad <- apply(gs.srad,1,mean) # average solar radiation of of growing season

bio <- data.frame(gsmt, gstsd,gstmax,gstmin,gsmdr, gsiso,gsprec,gscvprec,gsmsrad)

envdata <-[,!grepl(colnames(env), pattern = "prec_|tavg_|tmax_|tmin_|srad_|bio_")], bio)

Generate synthetic environmental variables

For those highly collinear environmental variables, we would like to combine them into a synthetic variable. This synthetic environmental varaible is defined as the first dimension of principal components (PCs) of highly collinear environmental variable.

About the customized index

To identify clusters of highly collinear variables, we designed a customized index based on the sum of squares (SS) by considering SS as "the amount of information". The index is written as

\[\frac{\Sigma SS_{PC1,n}}{SS_{Total}-\Sigma SS_{PC1,n}}\] In the equation, \(SS_{PC1,n}\) is the SS of the first PCs of \(n\) groups of standardized variables, and \(SS_{Total}\) is the SS of all standardized variables. If variables with little collinearity are grouped together, \(\Sigma SS_{PC1,n}\) will decrease and \(SS_{Total}-\Sigma SS_{PC1,n}\) will increase ,so the index will decrease. In contrast, if highly collinear variables are grouped, the index will increase. Different grouping combinations are considered for calculation by cutting a tree of hierarchical clustering based on \(1-R^2\). Please note that if there is a group containing only one variable, then this group will be excluded from the calculation of \(SS_{PC1,n}\) (so if we cut a tree at \(1-R^2=0\) and there is not any pair of variables with \(R^2=1\), we should have the index of 0).

## Define a function to carry out clustering with the customized index
collinear.clust <- function(X, res = 0.001, hc.method = 'complete', eigen.d = 1){
  # 1. construct distance matrix
  R2.dist <- 1-(cor(X)^2)
  # 2. make a clustering tree
  hc <- hclust(as.dist(R2.dist), method = hc.method) 
  dd <- as.dendrogram(hc)
  thres = seq(0, 1, res) <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(thres)){
    grpindx <- cutree(hc, h = thres[i])
    expvar <- sapply(unique(grpindx), function(x){
      if(sum(grpindx == x) > 1){                       # exlude the clusters having only one variable
        d <- svd(scale(env)[,names(grpindx)[grpindx == x]])$d^2
    }) <- c(, list(expvar))
  SST <- sum(svd(X)$d^2)
  SSr <- sapply(, function(x){sum(x)})/(SST - sapply(, function(x){sum(x)}))

  out <- 
    list("clusters" = cutree(hc, h = thres[which.max(SSr)]),
         "Cluster_Index" = data.frame("Threshold" = thres, "CI" = SSr))
} # 'collinear.clust' end

Identify collinear groups

env <- envdata[,-(1:3)]
env$Aspect <- cos(env$Aspect) # express aspect by cos(x)

R2.dist <- 1-(cor(env)^2)
hc <- hclust(as.dist(R2.dist), method = "complete") 

rownames(env) <- envdata$vcfID
grp <- collinear.clust(X = scale(env))

A plot showing the optimal split point of \(1-R^2\)

A dendrogram showing the clustering results

### Extract the first PCs

After identifying the collinear groups, we extract their first PCs as the synthetic environmental variables. For the convenience, I use some abbreviations to name the variables. Later on, they would be replace with intelligible names as those used in our publication.

lapply(1:max(grp$clusters), function(x){(names(grp$clusters)[grp$clusters == x])}) # check grouping result again
[1] "Latitude" "gsprec"   "gsmsrad" 

[1] "Longitude"

[1] "Aspect"

[1] "Slope"

[1] "Elevation" "gsmt"      "gstmax"    "gstmin"   

[1] "BLDFIE_sl1" "BLDFIE_sl2"

[1] "BLDFIE_sl3" "BLDFIE_sl4"

[1] "CECSOL_sl1" "CECSOL_sl2" "CECSOL_sl3" "CECSOL_sl4" "WWP_sl1"   
[6] "WWP_sl2"    "WWP_sl3"    "WWP_sl4"   

[1] "CLYPPT_sl1" "CLYPPT_sl2" "CLYPPT_sl3" "CLYPPT_sl4" "SNDPPT_sl1"
[6] "SNDPPT_sl2" "SNDPPT_sl3" "SNDPPT_sl4"

[1] "AWCh1_sl1" "AWCh2_sl1" "AWCh3_sl1"

[1] "AWCh1_sl2" "AWCh1_sl3" "AWCh1_sl4" "AWCh2_sl2" "AWCh2_sl3" "AWCh2_sl4"
[7] "AWCh3_sl2" "AWCh3_sl3" "AWCh3_sl4"

[1] "ORCDRC_sl1" "ORCDRC_sl2" "ORCDRC_sl3"

[1] "ORCDRC_sl4"

[1] "PHIHOX_sl1" "PHIHOX_sl2" "PHIHOX_sl3" "PHIHOX_sl4"

[1] "SLTPPT_sl1" "SLTPPT_sl2" "SLTPPT_sl3" "SLTPPT_sl4"

[1] "gstsd"

[1] "gsmdr" "gsiso"

[1] "gscvprec"
# name the new environmental variables (including synthetic variables) <- c("Lat_gsprec_msrad",

# generate synthetic variables
grpindx <- split(names(grp$clusters), f = grp$clusters) 
syn.env <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(grpindx), nrow = nrow(env))

for(i in 1:length(grpindx)){
  if(length(grpindx[[i]]) >1){
    pc <- prcomp((scale(env, center = T, scale = T)[,grpindx[[i]]]))
    syn.env[,i] <- pc$x[,1]
    syn.env[,i] <- scale(env)[,grpindx[[i]]]
} # for i loop end

# get the rotations and explained variation of the first PCs <- 
    if(length(grpindx[[i]]) >1){
      pc <- prcomp((scale(env, center = T, scale = T)[,grpindx[[i]]]))
      out <- list(rotation = pc$rotation[,"PC1"],
           exp.var = pc$sdev[1]^2/sum(pc$sdev^2))
colnames(syn.env) <- names( <-
rownames(syn.env) <- rownames(env)

variable selection according to VIF

In the last step, we conduct variable selection according to the variance inflation factor (VIF).

Define a function to calculate VIF

We define an R function cal.VIF to calculate VIF, which is written as \[ VIF=\frac{1}{1-R^2} \]

cal.VIF <- function(X){
  if(!{stop("The input data format must be 'data.frame'.")}
  out <- 
    lapply( 1:ncol(X), function(i){
      overall.vif <- 1/(1-summary(lm(eval(parse(text = paste(colnames(X)[i], "~.", sep = ""))), data = X))$r.squared) # calculate the overall VIF -> 1/(1-R^2)
      vifout <- overall.vif
    }) # lapply end 
  names(out) <- colnames(X)
} # function 'cal.VIF' end

Variable selection

We carry out variable selection by removing the variable with the largest VIF in each iteration. Because the precipitation and temperature are regarded as the most important selective gradients (Hubner et al. 2009), we manually keep them in the selection process by putting them in a whitelist.

syn.env <-

VIF <- unlist(cal.VIF(syn.env))
white.list <- c("Lat_gsprec_msrad", "Elev_gsmt_tmax_tmin")
todrop <- c()
while(any(VIF > 5)){
  tmp <- VIF[-grep(names(VIF), pattern = paste(white.list, collapse = "|"))] # artificially exclude the variables related to mean precipitation and temperature from the selection process
  todrop <- c(todrop, names(tmp)[which.max(tmp)]
              ) # add the variable with the largest VIF to a list
  VIF <- unlist(cal.VIF(syn.env[,-which(colnames(syn.env) %in% todrop)]))

Check results of varaible selection

The variable selection removed six variables, including five synthetic variables:
* AWCh123_sl234: Soil water capacity (depth 5cm-30cm)
* CEC_WWP_sl1234: Soil cation exchange capacity + water capacity until wilting point (depth 0cm-30cm)
* Longitude * CL_SND_sl1234: Soil clay content + sand content (depth 0cm-30cm)
* gsmdr_iso: Mean diurnal range + Isothermality in the growing season
* BD_sl12: Soil bulk density (depth 0cm-5cm)

BD_sl12 was the last variable to be removed in the selection process. However, the BD_sl34 (soil bulk density at a depth of 15-30cm) was kept. In general, we may expect the characters of a shallow soil layer be more important than a deep soil layer because the deep layer supposedly influcence the plant growth only if roots reach it. Besides, in the VIFs shown below, the VIF of BD_sl12 is just 5.03, which is close to our threshold.

[1] "AWCh123_sl234"  "CEC_WWP_sl1234" "Longitude"      "CL_SND_sl1234" 
[5] "gsmdr_iso"      "BD_sl12"       
sapply(cal.VIF(syn.env[,-which(colnames(syn.env) %in% todrop[-length(todrop)])]), function(x){x[length(x)]})
   Lat_gsprec_msrad              Aspect               Slope Elev_gsmt_tmax_tmin 
           4.015157            1.181480            1.568493            2.642213 
            BD_sl12             BD_sl34         AWCh123_sl1           OCC_sl123 
           5.032382            3.887125            2.540763            4.676382 
            OCC_sl4           pH_sl1234          SLT_sl1234               gstsd 
           2.731634            2.674157            2.071673            1.538495 

In addition, if we droop BD_sl34 instead, we can also make all VIF < 5. Thus, I arbitrarily decided to remove BD_sl34 instead of BD_sl12

todrop <- gsub(todrop, pattern = "BD_sl12", replacement = "BD_sl34")
sapply(cal.VIF(syn.env[,-which(colnames(syn.env) %in% todrop)]), function(x){x[length(x)]})
   Lat_gsprec_msrad              Aspect               Slope Elev_gsmt_tmax_tmin 
           3.921094            1.177832            1.473049            2.297442 
            BD_sl12         AWCh123_sl1           OCC_sl123             OCC_sl4 
           2.605299            2.208383            3.979243            2.624242 
          pH_sl1234          SLT_sl1234               gstsd            gscvprec 
           2.618653            2.066102            1.518079            3.101438 

Rename variables with intelligible names

Lastly, we rename the selected environmental varaibles with intelligible names as the names used in our publication.

orig.lab <- c("Lat_gsprec_msrad","Aspect","Slope","Elev_gsmt_tmax_tmin","BD_sl12","AWCh123_sl1","OCC_sl123",
new.lab <- c("Latitude+Rain+Solar_rad", "Aspect", "Slope", "Elevation+Temperature", "Soil_bulk_density", "Soil_water_capacity",
             "Soil_carbon_content(0-15cm)", "Soil_carbon_content(30cm)", "Soil_pH", "Soil_silt_content", "StdDev_Temperature", "CoefVar_Rain")

selected.env <- syn.env[,-which(colnames(syn.env) %in% todrop)]
colnames(selected.env) <- new.lab[match(colnames(selected.env),orig.lab)] <-[-which(colnames(syn.env) %in% todrop)]
names( <- new.lab[match(names(,orig.lab)]

Summary of environmental data

Number of synthetic variables

sum(!(sapply(, is.null)))
[1] 7

Percentage of variance explained by the first PCs

Since we take the first PCs as synthetic environmental variables, it is necessary to know how many percentages of variation of a collinear group is captured by its first PC. We can find that most of the synthetic variables explain more than 90% of variation of the corresponding collinear group.

Env Exp_Var
Latitude+Rain+Solar_rad 0.9100658
Elevation+Temperature 0.9314568
Soil_bulk_density 0.9468696
Soil_water_capacity 0.9615446
Soil_carbon_content(0-15cm) 0.8834362
Soil_pH 0.9689760
Soil_silt_content 0.9695062

Rotations of the first PCs

We also look at the rotations that used to generate the synthetic environmental variables.

sapply(, function(x){
  Latitude     gsprec    gsmsrad 
 0.5884235  0.5565450 -0.5865283 



 Elevation       gsmt     gstmax     gstmin 
 0.5084846 -0.5130144 -0.4907933 -0.4872182 

-0.7071068 -0.7071068 

 AWCh1_sl1  AWCh2_sl1  AWCh3_sl1 
-0.5748436 -0.5819211 -0.5752588 

 0.5568221  0.5897761  0.5849046 


 0.4951438  0.5019901  0.5027992  0.5000314 

-0.4994935 -0.5021920 -0.5030756 -0.4952014 



Correlation between environmental variables

Finally, we look at the correlation between all selected environmental variables with a heatmap.

R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/libblas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_3.3.2     car_3.0-6         carData_3.0-3     dendextend_1.13.2
[5] workflowr_1.6.2  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] tidyselect_1.1.1  xfun_0.17         reshape2_1.4.3    purrr_0.3.3      
 [5] haven_2.3.1       colorspace_1.4-1  vctrs_0.3.8       generics_0.0.2   
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[13] rlang_0.4.11      later_1.1.0.1     pillar_1.6.1      withr_2.4.2      
[17] foreign_0.8-71    glue_1.4.2        DBI_1.1.0         readxl_1.3.1     
[21] plyr_1.8.5        lifecycle_1.0.0   stringr_1.4.0     cellranger_1.1.0 
[25] munsell_0.5.0     gtable_0.3.0      zip_2.1.1         evaluate_0.14    
[29] knitr_1.29        rio_0.5.16        forcats_0.4.0     httpuv_1.5.4     
[33] curl_4.3          fansi_0.4.1       Rcpp_1.0.5        promises_1.1.1   
[37] scales_1.1.0      backports_1.1.5   abind_1.4-5       farver_2.0.3     
[41] fs_1.5.0          gridExtra_2.3     hms_0.5.3         digest_0.6.25    
[45] openxlsx_4.1.4    stringi_1.5.3     dplyr_1.0.6       grid_3.6.0       
[49] rprojroot_1.3-2   tools_3.6.0       magrittr_1.5      tibble_2.1.3     
[53] crayon_1.3.4      whisker_0.4       pkgconfig_2.0.3   ellipsis_0.3.2   
[57] data.table_1.12.8 rmarkdown_2.3     rstudioapi_0.13   viridis_0.5.1    
[61] R6_2.4.1          git2r_0.26.1      compiler_3.6.0